Welcome to the STAR Supplier Portal

Our supplier portal helps translators and suppliers manage their projects


  • Before submitting an invoice, review “STF-5 SupplierFinanceDetailsAndPolicy” completed during the on-boarding. See Sample Invoice for reference.

Working with this website

  • If you are new to this site, you can create an account by registering.
    In order to register successfully, your email address already needs to be in our database.
    Once you have registered you will be able to login, view, accept and deliver projects within the portal.
    Please contact your project manager if you have problems registering your account.
  • For further information, please download the instructions manual.

Working with CLM

  • STAR Translation Services is gradually moving to use CLM Workflow.
    You can chose to work online via CLM WebEdit and benefit from a streamlined workflow with a simplified Transit editor OR continue to work locally as before, by downloading the PPF and work offline using your full Transit desktop application. CLM WebEdit will save you time particularly on the simpler small projects.
  • * Download the instructions manual and Watch our Training Videos.

Working with Transit NXT

Language Specific Information

Irish Terminology Resources

RegX Searches

    For issues that cannot be found during the standard Transit format checks, we have created Customised Search Filters.